Dagger of Death

Shadow Thief Quest
Word has it that this dagger, when all ST 'dagger_skills' have been maxxed,
is the best thing in the Realms for an ST to use.
First obtained, save lvl ~240
Maxxed dagger_skills, save lvl ~350

I do believe you can go get another one at any time.

**~This information was gleamed in 2000**~
    It may be out of date, in which case, this will be removed.


Cliff Face: 
u;se;n;n;cave;shift sand;n;place key;s;ledge;roll other boulder;path;recite scroll
 -recite Tluth ne bar netoth. Parl non bae rult. to denral
 *Note: When you recite the phrase to Denral the entire phrase is CASE SENSITIVE.


That is the information the NPC currently has. No explinations, never been tested.